Attorneys of a law firm have achieved in court a decision on the recovery of a land plot in favor of a client on someone else’s illegal appropriation. Voropaev & Partners Law Firm LLC accompanied the client during 2 years of legal proceedings and returned the property to the rightful owner.
The most complex and detailed cases in jurisprudence are disputes over the right to own, use, and dispose of land. As a rule, such cases are considered and resolved exclusively in court with the participation of professional lawyers. Voropaev & Partners Law Firm LLC has extensive experience in resolving disputes over ownership of real estate. In the fall of 2022, the law firm helped the client return the land plot to his own possession in court. Consideration of the case in court was carried out for 2 years.
The lawyers of the Voropaev & Partners Law Firm were approached by a client whose private property was seized by intruders through fraudulent actions. The right of ownership passed to another person as a result of forging a notarized power of attorney and a state act on a land plot. The main difficulty of this case was that the persons guilty of unlawful taking of real estate changed the cadastral number of the land plot. As a result of such actions, the plaintiff’s lawyers had to prove in court that the object of the crime was exactly the land that belongs to the client of the company and he has the right to claim it from the final buyer (good faith purchaser).
As a result of unlawful actions of third parties, the specified land plot was sold twice without the knowledge of the official owner. In order to return real estate to the property of the client, Voropaev & Partners Law Firm LLC filed a petition for an examination of stamps and seals, handwriting examinations. The conclusions of the conducted examinations proved that the title documents for real estate and the power of attorney were forged.
The company’s lawyers, with the help of attorney’s requests to the Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, established the circumstances of the change in the cadastral number of the land. The petition of the plaintiff’s lawyers to request the materials of notarial cases and attach evidence collected during the investigation to the materials of the civil case was granted in court.
On the fact of illegal taking of real estate, criminal proceedings were opened, in which the lawyers of the Voropaev & Partners Law Firm represented the interests of the injured person – the legal owner of the land. In parallel with this law firm, in the interests of the client, a lawsuit was filed in court to reclaim land from a bona fide purchaser (final buyer). Materials were added to the statement of claim, confirming that the land plot was withdrawn from the legal possession of the owner without his will.
As a result of the work carried out by the lawyers representing the interests of the plaintiff, the judge decided to satisfy the claim in full – the recovery of real estate from illegal possession of others. Thus, the property rights of the client of Voropaev & Partners Law Firm LLC were restored.
The Voropaev & Partners Law Firm specializes in reliable and effective protection of private property in court. Lawyers of the firm provide professional advice, help with the preparation of documents and accompany clients at all stages of the case in court.