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Tatyana Volkova
Experience & Activities
Judicial practice (civil, criminal, economic, administrative, family, inheritance, land, labor, tax disputes).
Development and legal analysis of mechanisms for the implementation of business solutions, internal policies of companies, organization of personnel work, development of evaluation systems and awards.
Legal expertise of business transactions.
Legal support of construction and design works.
Migration law.
23 years of experience in legal practice Volkova T.V. allows legal entities and individuals to provide a wide range of legal services related to protecting the interests of clients in criminal proceedings and at the stage of pre-trial investigation, representing interests in courts of all jurisdictions and providing legal advice on issues arising from contractual and obligation legal relations of civil and economic law, administrative , labor, housing, tax, family, land, inheritance law.
As a specialist in family law, Tatiana Volkova offers marriage contract execution services; advising on the protection of property, planning the inheritance of family property, assistance in drafting wills and agreements on the division of joint property of a married couple; property management of minor children; support for divorce, division of joint property in court, recovery of alimony and determination of the place of residence of the child; minimizing the risks of living together without registering a marriage, and on other issues that arise from family legal relations.
Tatyana Volkova also specializes in migration law issues, her competence includes legalization of stay of foreigners in Ukraine, citizens of Ukraine abroad, assistance in obtaining work permits, temporary or permanent residence permits, advising on migration legislation.
Membership in bar associations
NAAU, Donetsk Region Bar Council