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Oksana Grushkovskaya
Experience & Activities
Providing legal support, consulting in the field of economic, civil, family, labor, tax, banking, corporate legislation.
Legal support and protection of clients in relations with state, regulatory authorities on taxation, construction, banking operations; with banks, other financial institutions in relation to lending, holding funds, carrying out transactions with securities and conducting other financial transactions.
Representation of clients in the judicial authorities of Ukraine by specialization.
Since October 2010, he has been providing legal services to individuals and legal entities in his specialization: representing clients in the judiciary, in relations with banking and other financial institutions on opening accounts, incl. in securities, financial monitoring, lending, purchase and sale of securities and others; with government agencies, including on taxation, construction, banking operations; provides full legal support for clients regarding the acquisition of ownership or for rent / lease or alienation of movable and immovable property; provides legal advice in his area of specialization.
Many years of legal experience in the banking sector of Grushkovskaya Oksana allows us to provide legal entities and individuals with a wide range of legal services related to protecting the interests of clients in relations with financial institutions by concluding agreements on parity terms and in the process of their implementation.
Legal support in the process of inheritance of property, registration of ownership of heirs, payment of taxes for the inheritance received and filing tax returns on property status and income.
As a specialist in corporate law, he offers advice and legal assistance on the registration and activities of legal entities on the issues of alienation / inheritance of shares, shares in the authorized capital of companies, the procedure for forced redemption of shares (squeeze-out), and other issues arising from corporate legal relations.
Membership in bar associations:
NAAU, Kyiv Region Bar Council.