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Anna Nechay
Experience & Activities
In the field of foreign law: international tax planning, creation and management of trusts, development and implementation of private wealth management schemes (wealth management), offshore company management, inheritance planning, work with foreign banks, corporate law.
In the field of Ukrainian law: corporate law, civil law, banking and financial law, currency regulation, lawmaking, foreign economic relations.
At Voropaev & Partners Law Firm, Anna Nechay provides legal support and advice to clients on the development and implementation of private wealth management schemes, including the creation and management of trusts, companies in foreign jurisdictions, provides services for the direct management of foreign companies of clients, ensures effective communication with foreign banks (opening and managing accounts in foreign banks, including private banking) and service providers abroad. Anna is also actively involved in the development and subsequent discussion with representatives of state bodies of Ukraine of draft legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of corporate law, securities, currency regulation and banking and financial law.
Membership in professional associations
Since 2006, Anna Nechay has been a lawyer at the Kyiv City Bar Association of Ukraine and since 2015 a member of the Association of Trusts and Estates Specialists (STEP)
Contacts: anna.nechai@voropaevltd.com.ua